Versuri originale: Două inimi bat în mine, Două-mi şi doream de mică; Una este de la mama Alta îmi va spune…”Mămică”. Eu copil în suflet...
Versuri originale: Vreau o minune într-o clipă grea Caut răspuns într-o lume rea Nu ştiu cum poţi să-mi spui “Nu!” Când în el eşti şi tu? Cât de departe îţi e...
Versuri originale: There were photographs I wanted to take Things I wanted to show you Sing sweet lullabies, wipe your teary eyes Who could love you like this?People say...
Versuri originale: Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful, beautiful Boy Close your eyes, Have no fear, The monster’s gone, He’s on the run And your mummy’s...
Versuri originale: I was alone and afraid. They said I wasn’t ready for you. They said a baby’s a big mistake. I had no choice, it was all I could do. God...
Versuri originale: I hear a voice crying out from the bellies of their mommas Hold on for today don’t worry about tomorrow Though the rains of today seem to fall...